Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hungry Like Wolf?

So there I was, walking back to the office after my usual morning Starbucks run, and who should I see walking towards me but none other than Mr. Wolf Blitzer!

He was carrying a briefcase and walking briskly to Starbucks. It's strange because when I got back to the office and spread the news of my celebrity sighting, Lori said that she saw him in Starbucks earlier in the morning. The man must really need his coffee! Also, she said that Wolf checked her out! So I'm going to be the first to start spreading a Wolf Blitzer infidelity rumor. Wolf hearts Lori!!

In unrealated news, I was approached last night by a giantic wild beast of a cat! Okay, it was just a housecat that must have been a mix of some very large breeds because she easily was 30 pounds. I started to pet her, then I went inside to set down my groceries and grab a can of cat food for her (while I do not have a cat, I keep cans of cat food because there are quite a few cats that roam the area around my apartment). I figured she would have already run off to chase birds or something, but when I came back outside, she was waiting by the door for me. I fell in love. She was declawed (I would never do that to a cat, but if I ever got a cat someone would have had to have them declawed first because my couch would make a good scratching post) and soooo sweet. I pet her for a while and then all of a sudden she darted off. So I guess we weren't meant to be. I can't have pets in my building anyway, but if I could, i definitely would have stolen this cat!

1 comment:

Miss Penny Lane said...

when i was leaving dinner last night with my mom i tried to offer my seat at the bar to george stephanoplous. unfortunately, some LURKERS beat him to it, so he had to continue standing, drinking his wine, checking his blackberry, and waiting--perhaps on his wife or maybe just for a lone seat at the bar to have some good food in solitude. he is a handsome man. perfect height for me...except i wouldn't be able to wear heels. :(