Friday, February 15, 2008

Hello World!

So Lori just came into my office and announced she started a blog. "Kim," she said, "why don't you have a blog? Of anyone, YOU should have a blog." So with 11 minutes left in the workday, I have decided to start a blog. Here I am, world! All blogged out. Now I have to come up with funny things to post. Will I have regular readership? A public, if you will? Or will these posts be just for me? Only time will tell. And right now time is telling me that there are 6 minutes left in the workday and so it's time to start collecting my belongings so I can embark on my weekend. OH! There's a kegbus in my weekend plans so I can only imagine that I will have some pretty funny stories to post on Monday!

1 comment:

LOU said...

I'm really excited about the new blog KB! :) I expect it's going to be real juicy (I hope anyway!)