Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Thursday.

So I could start off apologizing for not writing in so long, or not fulfilling my promises to write about strawberry picking with Dave and Hx (fun, sweet, and dirty) or dogsitting baby bulldog Bridget (fun, slightly stressful, and rainy) but why dwell on the past?? I just have not been in a blogging mood lately. Nothing in the world is striking me as blog-worthy, except one small, giant thing: Tim Russert. I really admired him for sticking to his guns and his devout religious beliefs, even when it wasn't the popular thing to do. After his memorial service at the Kennedy Center yesterday, an astonishing thing happened (or not-so-astonishing if you consider his life of service and religion): A double-rainbow extended clearly from one edge of the city to the next. Not just a faint, single rainbox, but a clearly-defined rainbow with a buddy right next to it. I've worked in DC for 6 years, and yesterday driving home was the first time I had ever seen something like this. We should all lead lives that make us deserving of two rainbows.

1 comment:

Kat said...

how lovely and appropriate:) It's nice to think that the rainbows are God smiling down in approval of a life lived well.